

Here you can read answers to frequently asked questions about the Verpackungsgesetz (Packaging Act), the Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister (Foundation Central Agency Packaging Register – ZSVR), and in particular registration, system participation, data reporting, the declaration of completeness and other topics relating to the implementation of the Verpackungsgesetz. These FAQs provide information to help people understand the Verpackungsgesetz and to clarify the specific statutory requirements on producers and distributors of packaging, and explain the individual steps involved in registration, system participation and data reporting. Over time, we will be adding information in response to the questions we are asked. The following topics are addressed:

The answers cover the following topics:

01. Verpackungsgesetz – point and purpose?

02. Producer responsibility for packaging – what does it mean and who is affected?

03. ZSVR – role and duties?

04. Who has to register?

05. What is the registration process?

06. What data needs to be reported to the ZSVR?

07. Who is required to undertake system participation?

08. How does system participation work?

09. What is the process for submitting a declaration of completeness?

10. What is the register of auditors?

11. What is the 'minimum standard for determining the recyclability of packaging'?

Do you have any further questions? Please send an e-mail to anfrage[at]verpackungsregister.org.

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