The Verpackungsgesetz (Packaging Act) defines reusable packaging as follows:
'Packaging that is designed and intended to be used multiple times for the same purpose and whose actual return and reuse is facilitated by suitable logistics, and encouraged by an appropriate incentive system, usually a deposit.'
All of these constituent elements must be satisfied cumulatively; even the appropriate incentive system is mandatory. Where a producer/distributor sells exclusively reusable packaging, the system participation and recovery requirements do not apply to them.
Yoghurt jar example:
The jars are sold in a shop with a deposit (incentive system). The distributor accepts their return (actual return) and delivers them back to the filling party (reverse logistics). The filling party then cleans the jars, re-fills them with their product and again sells the filled jar to the distributor, who offers the yoghurt jar for sale to consumers (reuse). In this situation, all of the elements are satisfied; the packaging is reusable packaging.
Since 1 July 2022, initial distributors of reusable packaging have been required to indicate this packaging type when first registering with the LUCID Packaging Register. Producers who had already registered before 1 July 2022 have to undertake a registration amendment to reflect this packaging type.
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