
LUCID Packaging Register

Using the XML interface

The LUCID Packaging Register allows for data exchange via an XML interface, which can be used for the following:


Submitting data reports

Data reports (by the producers) under section 10 VerpackG (Packaging Act) may be filed manually or by uploading an XML file. If you are provided with an XML-file, please log in to the LUCID Packaging Register, select the 'Data reporting' tile and upload the file via the 'XML report' tile.The uploaded file must be a valid XML file with the correct schema. 

The following guidelines illustrate the XML interface as well as the creation of an XML file (.xml) and the verification of a file with the XML schema (.xsd).

For information about how to create and validate your files, please contact your IT support.

Entering and maintaining brand names

The statutory registration requirement (for producers) includes listing the brand names that you place on the German market. You may enter the brand names manually or upload them as an XML file in the LUCID Packaging Register. This is worthwhile for all companies that distribute a larger number of brands or that can export brand names from a merchandise management system as an XML file.

The following guidelines are available here to provide support: