Use your login credentials to sign in to the LUCID Packaging Register. Click on 'Edit' in the 'Brand names' tile.
- Add brand names
Click the 'Add brand names' button and enter the new brand name. Then click 'Save' or 'Save and add new'. If you have entered both packaging that is subject to system participation and packaging that is not subject to system participation in your packaging details, please note that there still needs to be at least one brand name in each category.
- Delete brand names
Click on the waste bin symbol in the 'Actions' column to the right of the brand that you would like to delete. Confirm the deletion.
- Edit brand names
The name of a brand cannot be changed any more once it has been entered. If you would like to correct a brand name, you first have to delete it and then add the correct brand name. Click on the waste bin symbol in the 'Actions' column to the right of the brand that you would like to delete. Confirm the deletion. Then click the 'Add brand names' button and enter the new brand name. Then click 'Save' or 'Save and add new'.
- Re-categorising packaging as subject to system participation or not subject to system participation
Go to the table of brand names and look for the brand name you would like to re-categorise. Click the editing symbol in the 'Actions' column to the right and assign the brand name to the right category.
If you have made all changes, scroll to the bottom and click 'Next'. Review the summary of the information you have entered. Scroll down to the 'Declarations' section, check the boxes and click 'Submit registration changes' to save your changes.
The ZSVR will send out an electronic notice (administrative act) for this brand name change. The change will become visible in the public register of producers on the following day.
In addition to entering brand names manually, there is also the option of an XML upload. This allows you to enter many brand names at the same time. If you would like to make use of this functionality, please note that all brand names that had been entered up to that point will be overwritten with the upload. Guidelines for the XML upload can be found here:
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