Check whether any obligations under German packaging law apply to your company.
How to register with the LUCID Packaging Register

Find out step by step how to register in the LUCID Packaging Register.
Explainer video: Registration in the LUCID Packaging Register
Find out step by step how to register in the LUCID Packaging Register.

Registration guide
What information do you have to file during registration?
1. Master data
Your master data includes general information about your company such as an address, telephone number, VAT number, taxpayer reference number and national identification number.
Please note: technical reasons and an automated check prevent producers from entering more than one VAT number or taxpayer reference number in the LUCID Packaging Register. Please enter the same data you used when entering into your system participation agreement or when working with a marketplace.
2. Packaging types
There are two different packaging categories: packaging subject to system participation and packaging not subject to system participation. Choose your relevant packaging type from these categories and tick the appropriate box.
During the registration process, you can choose between:
Packaging subject to system participation
If you are using various types of packaging subject to system participation to distribute your goods, the box you need to check during the registration process is 'Retail, grouped or shipment packaging that typically accumulates as waste in private households / comparable sources of waste generation after use, and service packaging'.
If you exclusively purchase unfilled pre-participated service packaging and do not use any other packaging to hand over goods to your customers, for example shipment or retail packaging, then the box you need to check during the registration process is 'Exclusively pre-participated service packaging'.Packaging not subject to system participation
If you are using reusable packaging, single-use beverage packaging subject to deposit, transport packaging or industrial packaging that does not accumulate as waste with private final consumers to distribute your goods, or if it is retail packaging for hazardous contents, you have to check the corresponding box during the registration process.
3. Brand names
This is where you are required to enter the brand names visible on your goods' packaging. If the packaging does not bear a brand name, please enter your company name. For pre-participated service packaging, please enter the company name of your supplier or wholesaler from which you source the pre-participated packaging.
4. Declarations
If you have indicated that you are distributing your goods in packaging that is subject to system participation, you have to check a box to confirm that you are fulfilling the system participation requirement to finish registering.