Overview of the technical cookies
This English version is a convenience translation. The German version shall prevail.
- oeffentliche-register.verpackungsregister.org
- oeffentlicheregister.verpackungsregister.org
- lucid.verpackungsregister.org
Name | AspNet.Consent |
Purpose | This cookie stores whether the cookie banner has already been clicked away. |
Duration | 1 year |
Name | AspNetCore.Antiforgery.* |
Purpose | These cookies are used to defend against computer system attacks. |
Duration | User session |
Name | X-Contour-Session-Affinity |
Purpose | This cookie is required for optimal load distribution and reliability on the systems of the Central Agency Packaging Register. |
Duration | User session |
Name | AspNetCore.Culture |
Purpose | This cookie stores the selected language. |
Duration | 1 month |
- account-lucid.verpackungsregister.org
Name | AspNetCore.Identity.Application |
Purpose | This cookie is used for technical support of the LUCID packaging register. It is encrypted and cannot be read outside of LUCID. The information it contains relates to your user session (user ID, security code to check that the session information is up to date, e-mail address, information about verification of the e-mail address, login time) |
Duration | User session |
Name | idsrv.session |
Purpose | This cookie is required to recognize the respective user session in the LUCID Packaging Register. |
Duration | User session |
- lucid.verpackungsregister.org
Name | AspNetCore.Correlation.idserver.* |
Purpose | This cookie is used temporarily to support the user in the event of an incorrect login process. |
Duration | Login process |
Name | AspNetCore.OpenIdConnect.Nonce.* |
Purpose | This cookie is used temporarily to recognize and prevent mass illegal login attempts. |
Duration | Login process |
Name | cookies.main* |
Purpose | These cookies are used for technical support of the LUCID Packaging Register, are encrypted and cannot be read outside of LUCID. The information contained relates to your input data (user identification number, e-mail address, last update, user group, registration status, individual technical user ID, registration number, authorised representative status, authorised representative ID) |
Duration | User session |