11. What is the 'minimum standard for determining the recyclability of packaging'?
The Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister (Foundation Central Agency Packaging Register – ZSVR) collaborates annually with the German Environment Agency to create a minimum standard for determining the recyclability of packaging. As part of this, the different packaging material types and the individual recovery paths need to be taken into account. The important thing is that the specific practice of sorting and recovery has to be accounted for. Theoretical recyclability is not sufficient to be considered when determining recyclability.
The aim of the provisions of section 21 VerpackG (Packaging Act) is to use graded fee structures for systems – to create incentives for producers to improve the general recyclability and the share of recyclates and renewable resources in packaging.
The target audience for the minimum standards is first and foremost the systems, but also (indirectly) producers / initial distributors. The systems are required to take account of recycling-friendly design when determining their participation fees. It is the systems' responsibility to determine packaging recyclability and to establish financial incentives. They have to classify how recycling-friendly a packaging's design is against the backdrop of the minimum standard, and to decide on financial incentives through participation fees. The systems are required to report information about the implementation of the provisions of section 21 VerpackG (Packaging Act) to the Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister (Central Agency Packaging Register – ZSVR) every year.
No, that is not provided for in the Verpackungsgesetz (Packaging Act).
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