
Knowledge base


Changes to the provisions of the Act since 1 January 2022

Some types of single-use beverage packaging previously subject to system participation have been subject to deposit since 1 January 2022. Further information can be found here

Changes to the provisions of the Act since 3 July 2021


International parties under obligation without a branch within Germany can authorise a representative

They can appoint an authorised representative located in Germany to fulfil their duties under the Verpackungsgesetz on their behalf. Further details on this topic are available here.


Changed provisions regarding register entries

  • The fax number no longer has to be indicated in the master data for the registered companies and has been deleted from the public register.
  • In addition to the previous registration information, companies have to state their European or national taxpayer reference number, which is also published in the public register.
  • The e-mail addresses of the registered companies are no longer displayed in the public register. The LUCID Packaging Register includes additional information about international parties under obligation that have appointed an authorised representative. All register entries, such as name, address and contact details, as well as the European or national taxpayer reference number of the authorised representative are published.