
Compliance made easy: registration and system participation


Our explanatory films and checklists will show you what you need to do to comply with your packaging law obligations, step by step. For key information about how to register in the LUCID Packaging Register, how to change your registration, and how to fulfil the system participation requirement, read on.

Registration in the LUCID Packaging Register

First-time registration

Are you required to register with the LUCID Packaging Register? Watch our explanatory film about first-time registration to find out how registration works.

Looking for more? Our checklists will help:

Registration amendment

Have you registered with the LUCID Packaging Register and need to add packaging that is not subject to system participation to your entries? Watch our film about registration amendments to learn how that works.

What packaging is subject to system participation – or not? Find out in this graphic. It will help you delineate between packaging that is subject to system participation and packaging not subject to system participation.



System participation

Are you placing packaging on the German market that is filled with goods and subject to system participation? For example retail, grouped or shipment packaging? To fulfil your producer responsibility, you do not only have to register with the LUCID Packaging Register, but must also pay for the recovery and recycling of your packaging. This means that you have to enter into a contractual agreement with one or more system(s). An overview of the systems can be found here. Read our checklist to learn more about how to comply with the system participation requirement.