In response to the many inquiries, the Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister (Central Agency Packaging Register – ZSVR) would like to address the matter as it relates to its duties. Audits of volume flow records have found apparent documentation shortcomings that have resulted in the volumes in question not being recognised in 2019 recovery rates. Volume flow records for 2020 will be audited starting in June. As the dual systems have rising recovery quotas to meet, deficient recovery is highly problematic for them: they risk falling short of the quotas and, as a consequence, being fined. Where the ZSVR finds that experts have repeatedly and in gross dereliction of duty breached the audit guidelines, it will initiate appropriate administrative proceedings as a matter of principle, for environmental reasons and in support of fair competition. The case shows clearly that the new rules established by the Verpackungsgesetz (Packaging Act) are proving effective. Dubious shipments will yield no benefits. To the contrary: this case has shown that the parties involved can pay dearly.
Click here for the fact sheet 'Discovery in Turkey of German plastic packaging waste from yellow sacks and yellow bins'.